An Anthem for Canadians Battling Cancer


“I Didn’t Fall In Love With Your Hair” – an anthem for Canadians battling cancer (and those who love them)

– Downloads help raise over $50,000 for cancer research –


Juno and Canadian Country Music Association Award winning country singer Brett Kissel’s poignant song about enduring love through a battle with cancer has struck a chord with thousands upon thousands of Canadians who have downloaded the song for friends and family affected by the disease. Released to coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, proceeds from sales of the single have been matched by highly regarded Canadian entrepreneur and philanthropist, W. Brett Wilson.


A total of $53,400 has now been raised via this song to support world-class research and support programs for the Canadian Cancer Society. Close to 1 million impressions were earned through social media, an equally significant measure of the song’s incredible emotional and awareness-building impact.


“This song is generating so many inspirational stories back from the brave and beautiful people battling cancer,” says Kissel. “This song and the related launch initiative was our way of celebrating and supporting people going through the toughest time in their lives.”


In addition to downloading the song, many Canadians shared their own cancer story online, from personal losses of loved ones and co-workers, to praising those who are still in the fight, and celebrating those who have faced cancer and won. Here are a few samples:

  • “I was diagnosed with leukemia last year. My first question to the doc was, ‘Am I going to lose my hair?'”

  • “My beautiful 3-year-old is battling leukemia. His hair is gone due to the chemo.”

  • “I just lost my wife last Monday to cancer. She was only 34.”

  • “My mom’s been cancer free for nearly a year and I’ve been growing my hair out to donate.”

  • “We just lost a coworker to cancer. She fought it for 25 years. She lost her battle and passed away one day after her 62nd Birthday. She was a beautiful person. Pure goodness right through to her soul.”

Wilson, himself a two-time cancer “graduate,” added that the song perfectly reflects the roller coaster of emotions that are part of one’s cancer journey. “It’s a grab the Kleenex and hug the stuffing out someone kind of song,” says Wilson, “and it’s rightly becoming an anthem for anyone battling cancer, and those who love them.”


The Canadian Cancer Society is a national community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer.


“Telling the cancer story of Brett Kissel’s family and so many others, it’s not surprising that this song has resonated with so many Canadians,” says Kim Rossi, Manager, Major Gifts for the Canadian Cancer Society. “We are very thankful for the support of Brett Kissel, W. Brett Wilson, Warner Music Canada, and to all who downloaded the song.”

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